my ordeal with module.h !!

i have had a tough time compiling kernel modules and then inserting them , and the reason , for me the very troublesome /linux/module.h , the most important of header files required when you are writing a kernel module , you can't write a kernel module without including this file , .......
my problem started here when i was writing a kernel module , a very basic hello world module , on Fedora 8 , when i tried compiling it , it showed a lot of errors ( obviously though ..) , later i realised that there was no file /usr/include/linux/module.h , and after some research found out that the kernel headers RPM provided with Fedora 8 doesn't have this file , so even on installing the kernel headers the file was missing , and then with some help from the posts on the Twincling Discussion list ( twincling is an open-source community based in hyderabad ) , i downloaded the kernel source RPMs and recompiled the kernel using the Kernel-spec files for generating the Kernel installation and header RPMs again , but even after installing the self-compiled RPMs there was no use , .. . the file was still missing !!!
and in all this frustration i had already started to dislike Fedora due to the reason that it crashed so often , and i finally shifted to Debian Etch 4.0 , it was a relief i should say , and good news i could now find the module.h file in its place also , but still even with the headers present the module was not getting compiled , it still showed a lot of errors and most amazing one m or rather a part of it was :
" cannot determine processor type " .......
i will be posting the error list and other technical things on the forum soon , .....
Debian was good , but it was rather tough shifting from RPMs to the debian format and i was starting to miss 'ntsysv' badly, so i switched to CentOS 5.1 , it is great , almost similar to Fedora Core 6, ...... and as i had expected there was no /usr/include/linux/module.h so i gave up on module programming , ....... but this was not be the end , read on the " my ordeal with module.h : - SOLUTIONS ! " for the solution i found !!


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